My Favorite Thing To Do



My favorite thing to do is jump rope. It is fun because you can jump so many different ways. I know how to jump rope 9 different ways. A few of the different ways to jump rope are: jumping while running, jumping in place and jumping while twirling the rope twice. Sometimes there need to be more people, but other times you can do it all by yourself. You can jump rope while practicing your spelling words too. It helps you exercise your body and your brain at the same time.

Do you like jump roping?

13 thoughts on “My Favorite Thing To Do

  1. Dear Emme,
    I loved your post about jump roping! I will have to watch you jump in 9 different ways. I agree with you that jump roping exercises your body and brain. When did you learn to jump while twirling the rope twice?

    Here’s to jump roping,
    Mrs. Fordyce

  2. Dear Emme, It is amazing that you can do the jump rope 9 different ways. You are correct about when you jump rope it needs your brain and you get exercise. I really like your picture.
    From Gavin

  3. Dear Emme,
    I love your post on jump roping. I love to jump rope too! But I can only jump rope 2 different ways. The ways I can jump rope are 1. front 2. back. Keep making amazing posts!

  4. Dear Emme,
    That is so cool that you know so many different ways of jumping rope! I used to love jumping rope when I was your age. I loved doing double dutch. This was when there were 2 long jump ropes, and you need at least 3 people to do it. The two people on the sides hold a rope in each hand, and swing them in opposite directions while the person in the middle tries to jump over both ropes. It is hard but fun!
    Mrs. Pinoli

  5. Dear Emme,
    I loved your post about jumping rope. I used to love to jump rope when I was your age. I’m going to have Mia practice her spelling words while jumping rope. Great exercise!😎
    From Mia’s mom

  6. Hi Emme,
    I loved to jump rope when I was in 3rd grade too! I have some favorite silly chants that help me keep the rhythm while I jump. On the next sunny day, remind me to play with you.
    Love, Mom

  7. Hi Emme,
    I loved jumping rope when I was young. I really loved “double dutch” jumping rope where there are 2 ropes and you jump in while it is turned by 2 people. Have you ever tried that?

    Jenny (Carter’s Mom)

  8. Dear Emme,
    I like your post about jump roping. I never new there were so many different types of jump roping techniques. My record is 28. I’m only good at rebounding. Otherwise I’m really bad!


  9. Dear Emme,
    I love to jump rope. Do you jump rope all the time? What are all nine of your tricks? I know a few. How often do you jump rope?
    From your friend,

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